Commencement IU 1988.
Refugee crisis 1991 New York.
Salah Report to KNC on Kurdish aid 1992.
Salah meeting WDC, June 1993.
Salah Badlisy 3 years Proposal (1993 - 1995).
NAMAH, Crisis in Kurdish higher education, 1994.
Operation provide comfort Salah, October 1995.
The experiment of self rule 1992-1994, December 1995.
Letter from Chango Zaza to Salah with article, February 1996.
Ltr Chango Zaza to Salah-BCKS, February 1996.
Letter from Slemany University, July 1996.
Letter from Lydia Shaswar, July 1996
Toward the third millennium, December 1996.
Muslims in Americas, Dr. Omar Hasan, December 1996.
Minorities in ME course by Salah Spring 1997.
Let the clock tick, March 1998
وتارى د صلاح ٢٧-٧-٢٠٠٠
Kurdish language toward the year, 2000.
Non Violence workshop 2002.
Proposal for STEM in COE, February 2004.
Salah Aziz Article August. 15, 2005 مقالة لصلاح عزیز، آب ،١٥، ٢٠٠٥
Education engineering in Egypt August 2005
Institutional assessment outline with rubrics, September 2005.
Invitation from Kurdistan Parliament, December 2005.
Tragedy of Kurd.
Salah publications.
Salah Awards and grants.
Salah and Nader Proposal.
Kurdish issue, article by Salah.
Halabja holocaust.
Aziz, Salah. article on human rights صلاح عزیز، مقالة عن حقوق الانسان
مجلة تخلد ماساة حلبجة بدعم US
وتارى د صلاح - ٢٧ - ٧ - ٢٠٠٠
التمييز ضد المراة - ١
التمييز ضد المراة - ٢
التمييز ضد المراة - ٣
رسالة وزارة الثقافة لصلاح حول انشاء مرکز للارشيف -١
رسالة وزارة الثقافة لصلاح حول انشاء مرکز للارشيف -٢
الاتحاد مقالة ذ صلاح عن حقوق الانسان - ٢٤-٩-١٩٩٩.